This is a poem I was inspired to write for a friend grieving the loss of her mother.
Here in This Cloak
Is it clarity you seek?
You ask why.
Is it peace?
You think, “How could I lie,
Here in this cloak?
I feel so heavy with coat.”
“GOD, please bring me serenity.
I think I just might die.”
My child, serenity is always nearby
Through your eyes, you cannot always see.
But I know you just want to Be.
So I send for you a window
Through which you can look
When you feel like your serenity
Has been took.
Smell the flower
Bask in the sun
And know that with me,
You have always won.
Hello Lisa,
I wanted to personally commend you on your gift to weave words into such insightfully thoughtful pieces.
Please accept this as a personal invitation to view my site, The Ironhorse Writer – American Biker Poet. Over 30 years of riding and writing of the Biker lifestyle upon the asphalt range.
I’ve had the honor of being featured within several national motorcycle publications as well as being one of several speakers featured during the 9-11 remembrance held at Crissy Field in San Francisco. Two of my pieces, “That Day” as well as “Three Hundred Forty-Three” were read to those gathered. Most recently, I had the honor of being appointed Biker Poet Laureate, to serve from August 2007 to August 2008. Incidentally, August is officially Biker Poetry Month.
The popularity of Biker Poetry is growing as is evident with the increasing venues offering its unique perspective of the Biker lifestyle. I invite you to Google either Biker Poetry, Biker Poets or Biker Poems.
Biker Poetry, to me, is a natural offshoot of a long standing, much loved American tradition, Cowboy Poetry…Albeit upon a Steel Steed.
Although “Biker” in nature, my work does not reflect the mainstream, stereotypical view of what is generally perceived of those, “In the Wind.” I pride myself in presenting pieces that can actually be read to the entire family. What you will find within are straight from the heart experiences from yours truly, offered in story teller fashion, so as to unfurl the road ahead, and hopefully, your imagination.
Around each bend, within each town, a story awaits to be told. Read what Bikers are riding about.
Be safe, be righteous
Laurence P Scerri (Larry)
Ironhorse Writer
American Biker Poet Laureate
Ironhorse Writer – American Biker Poet
“Spread the ‘ridden’ word”